Refund Policy
Is VistaDB the right tool for you?
Take advantage of our totally free 30-day trials for VistaDB to make sure we have the right tool for your task.
At Gibraltar Software, we have every confidence in our tools, but we want to make sure that the product you are sampling is the right tool for the job you have before you make a purchase. If you’re not satisfied, tell us and let us help to make it right.
For Licenses and Maintenance
We’re 100% committed to the quality and performance of our products. We’re so committed in fact that we offer a 45-day money-back guarantee.
If for any reason you’re not totally satisfied with your Gibraltar product, we’ll give you 45 days from the date of your license purchase or maintenance renewal payment to claim a full refund, no questions asked.
If our software and support doesn’t delight you, we won’t take your money. It’s as simple as that.